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AI – Common Belief


oday, pretty much every company around the globe knows about artificial intelligence. ChatGPT, released in 2022, has made AI a hot topic in the business world. But, are all the things people believe about AI really true?

This common belief has created a misconception that AI is only for large corporations with big budgets. However, the reality is far from it. With the advancements in technology, AI has become simple and cost-effective, thanks to innovative products like ours.

Let’s address the first part of the common belief – AI is complicated. Yes, AI involves sophisticated algorithms and complex coding, but that doesn’t mean it is complicated. In fact, with the right tools and platforms, anyone can incorporate AI into their business processes. Our product, for instance, offers a user-friendly interface that allows even non-technical individuals to create and deploy AI models.

Moreover, AI has become more accessible with the rise of cloud computing. Cloud-based AI services provide a platform for businesses to leverage the power of AI without the need for expensive hardware or infrastructure. This eliminates the need for businesses to invest in costly servers or hire a team of data scientists to build and maintain AI models.

Now, let’s address the second part of the common belief – AI is expensive. In the past, developing and implementing AI solutions required a significant investment of time and money. However, with the emergence of AI-oriented products like ours, the cost of implementing AI has significantly decreased. Many product offers a pay-as-you-go model, allowing businesses to only pay for the services they use. This makes AI affordable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.

Moreover, AI has proven to be cost-effective in the long run. By automating tasks and processes, AI can help businesses save time and resources, ultimately leading to cost savings. For example, AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries, reducing the need for human customer service representatives. This not only saves money but also improves efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Another misconception about AI is that it will replace human jobs.While it is true that AI can automate certain tasks, it also creates new job opportunities. As businesses adopt AI, the demand for professionals with AI skills is increasing. This presents an opportunity for individuals to upskill and stay relevant in the job market.

In conclusion, the common belief that AI is complicated and expensive is outdated. With the right tools and platforms, AI has become simple and cost-effective. Our product is a testament to this fact, offering businesses an affordable and user-friendly solution to incorporate AI into their operations. As AI continues to evolve and become more accessible, businesses that embrace it will have a competitive advantage in their respective industries. So, don’t let the misconception hold you back, and start exploring the possibilities of AI for your business today!


Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence – Ginni Rometty